Real Voices: Louise McLoughlin

We need diverse thinkers and approaches if we’re going to make positive change

I loved cars and motor racing as a teenager and was an avid F1 fan. And after time teaching in Japan after university, I identified that marketing where was where I wanted to focus and joined an agency who supported Bentley in lead management and events. It then dawned on me that Marketing + Cars was a viable career (I was a bit slow on the uptake!).

After some time working agency side, I joined the Toyota and Lexus family – first at a dealership and for the last decade or so at Toyota UK Head Office. So somewhat by accident, I have managed a career that unites cars, marketing and Japan. Although now that cars are part of my ‘day job’ I don’t spend much of my spare time watching them go round tracks – and now my main motivation is solving customer and strategic challenges. 

The best part of my job without doubt is the combination of people and problem-solving. I’m truly excited to work in an industry that is undergoing significant transformation and want to be part of a positive future. As humans we’ve got a lot wrong in how we deliver movement and mobility. Unfortunately, as companies and consumers seeking freedom to move, we are also jointly responsible for a lot of damage.

So, working for an organisation that is genuinely committed to making movement and human transport truly sustainable and appropriate for our lives and cities is what gets me up in the morning. I want to be part of this change. I’m also fortunate to work for an organisation with some amazing and talented people – so I am always learning from them and laughing with them.

A transferable skill I brought from my previous job role was curiosity. Asking ‘why’ is one of Toyota’s key values, so perhaps it’s fortunate that I was always one of those irritating kids who always asking ‘why’! But regardless of who you build your career with, it’s a fantastic attribute and much needed as we navigate change across the industry.

The biggest misconception of the industry is that it’s just about selling cars and that only certain type of person (not always a positive stereotype either!) can do this. This is a truly 360 industry that needs to move from ‘ownership’ towards more ‘usership’ and this needs diverse people and perspectives from all backgrounds so we build a better future for all and this applies whether you’re a designer, an engineer, a data architect, a customer service team or even a slightly accidental marketer!

If you’re motivated by making positive change, challenges and opportunities then there has never been a better time to consider a career in automotive (or rather, ‘mobility’). If you think about where the travel industry was before AirBnB, that’s kind of where we are now (with added focus on sustainability). So jump in and be part of the change – it’s not always easy and the answers won’t always be clear, but it will be interesting and varied!

There’s such a broad range of opportunities for all skill sets. We need passion, problem-solvers & resilience. 

If you’re considering joining the mobility industry, find people in the industry who you admire or are part of mentoring groups and you might find quite a few will be happy to mentor or advise. The industry is much more diverse than you might think (although still much to be done) and groups like the IMI or the Automotive 30% Club support and nurture talent regardless of background.  We need diverse thinkers and approaches if we’re going to make positive change. 

Louise’s words of wisdom

If you’re considering joining the mobility industry, find people in the industry who you admire or are part of mentoring groups and you might find quite a few will be happy to mentor or advise.