Real Voices: Buke Chandler

My journey into automotive wasn’t planned but I wouldn’t change a thing if I could do it all again!

My journey into this industry, and my current role as a Regional Sales Manager at Motul UK, has been somewhat of an accidental, but exciting one.

In my early 20’s, I joined what was then TotalFinaElf and now TotalEnergies UK, having completed my first degree in Media Production (really intending for it to be a stop gap); however, I quickly grew into the role and subsequently accepted a permanent position.

Some years later, having worked in various aspects of the business (including finance and logistics), I returned to University and successfully gained a Master’s Degree In Logistics and Supply Chain Management, thereby solidifying the experience I’d gained to that point… Just to add that this was during my maternity leave, commencing with a two year old and 3 month old at the time, however also having the support of my husband and other family members.  It was a real show of what can be achieved when you have a good team around you!

Gaining my qualification gave me the confidence to take on a product-focused, field-based sales role as a next step, selling lubricants within the automotive aftermarket; where I still operate today to some degree, supporting Motul’s Importers in the UK and Ireland.

The best part of my current role at Motul is being able to interact and build relationships with so many different people (colleagues and customers alike), with diverse skills, ideas and thought processes, yet being able to find common ground and ‘get the job done’…in essence just being able to be my authentic self, working hard and being part of the bigger picture.

I’ve been able to bring many transferable skills over from my previous roles, including teamworking, communication, interpersonal skills, and problem solving (to name but a few), and I continue to develop new skills in my current role.  Over the past year I have been involved in various projects and key events for Motul including Goodwood Revival and Isle of Man TT, always embracing the opportunity to learn about the parts of the industry I’ve had little exposure to until now.

To anyone considering changing sectors and joining ‘automotive’ as a career, I would say go for it; change can be daunting (especially later in life), however, in the right environment you will thrive and gain strength of character.  Don’t be afraid of challenges, and sometimes failure, as it’s part of your growth, and embrace every opportunity to learn new things; there’s no harm in having a go!

My journey into automotive wasn’t planned but I wouldn’t change a thing if I could do it all again!

Buke’s words of wisdom

“Don’t be afraid of challenges, and sometimes failure, as it’s part of your growth!”